
  June 2015Level I Study Sessions
  Ethical and Professional Standards
  Exam Weight: 15%
  Quantitative Methods
  Exam Weight: 12%
  Exam Weight: 10%
  Financial Reporting and Analysis
  Exam Weight: 20%
  Corporate Finance
  Exam Weight: 7%
  Portfolio Management
  Exam Weight: 7%
  Exam Weight: 10%
  Fixed Income
  Exam Weight: 10%
  Exam Weight: 5%
  Alternative Investments
  Exam Weight: 4%
  June 2015Level II Study Sessions
  Ethical and Professional Standards
  Exam Weight: 10-15%
  Quantitative Methods
  Exam Weight: 5-10%
  Exam Weight: 5-10%
  Financial Reporting and Analysis
  Exam Weight: 15-20%
  Corporate Finance
  Exam Weight: 5-15%
  Exam Weight: 15-25%
  Alternative Investments
  Exam Weight: 5-10%
  Fixed Income
  Exam Weight: 10-20%
  Exam Weight: 5-15%
  Portfolio Management
  Exam Weight: 5-10%
  June 2015Level III Study Sessions
  Ethical and Professional Standards
  Behavioral Finance, Individual Investors, and InstitutionalInvestors
  Capital Market Expectations
  Asset Allocation
  Fixed Income and Equity Portfolio Management
  AlternativeInvestments, Risk Management, and the Application of Derivatives