黑龍江:CGA加拿大注冊會計師與國際的關(guān)系如何?看看詳細介紹吧~  CGA International Representation
  As a result of its rich history and vast experience accumulated over a period of almost 100 years, CGA-Canada is able to make a strong contribution to the accounting profession, both nationally and internationally.
  CGA-Canada contributes to the development of the profession throughout the world through its participation in several regional accounting bodies that further the growth of the international accounting profession, including:
  The International Federation of Accountants — IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession. It works with over 150 member organizations in more than 110 countries to protect the public interest by encouraging high quality practices by the world's accountants. IFAC members represent 2.5 million accountants employed in public practice, industry and commerce, government, and academe. CGA-Canada is a Member of IFAC.
  The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants — IESBA is an independent standard-setting body that serves the public interest by setting high-quality ethical standards for professional accountants and by facilitating the convergence of international and national ethical standards, including auditor independence requirements, through the development of a robust, internationally appropriate code of ethics. A CGA-Canada member has been appointed as a public representative for IESBA.
  The Confederation of Asian Pacific Accountants — The mission of CAPA is to provide leadership in the development, enhancement and coordination of the accountancy profession in the Asia-Pacific region to enable the profession to provide services of consistently high quality in the public interest. CGA-Canada is a Member of CAPA.
  The Fédération internationale des experts-comptables et commissaires aux comptes francophones — FIDEF is an international federation of professional accounting organizations from countries where French is a common language of the accounting profession. CGA-Canada is a Member of FIDEF.
  The Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Caribbean — ICAC promotes the development and enhancement of the accountancy profession in the Caribbean. CGA-Canada is an Affiliate of ICAC.
  Interamerican Accounting Association — The IAA helps advance the accounting profession in the Americas with representation from 33 accounting organizations from 23 countries. CGA-Canada is a Member of the IAA.
  In addition to these regional accounting bodies, CGA-Canada contributes to other organizations such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the Edinburgh Group.
