  ACCA is practical very strong professional training courses, and is recognized by the global qualification certificate. But through the 14 exam and should have 3 years related work experience to get a practice certificate.
  But apply for admission to ACCA very easy, whether you ever have to do fiscal experience, or whether there is a related education didn't matter. In addition to read ACCA tuition is low, but through all the exam of time is longer. Will tell commonly, over all exam ACCA, need two and a half years of time.
  The ACCA exams fee for each 225 pounds, the test subjects all 14 out almost want more than 3000 pounds. Don't need to test subjects you will have to pay and the examination fee of the same body fee. But the extra cost of giving in, every school and training coMPAny are different, on average, 2000 pounds or so in.
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