        Accrual Accounting
  Accounting that records the impact of a business event as it occurs, regardless of whether the transaction affected cash.
  1.When the business performs a service, makes a sale, or incurs an expense, the accountant records the transaction even if it receives or pays no cash.
  2.The differences between accrual accounting and cash-basis accounting. Accrual accounting is more complex and more complete than cash-basis accounting, records cash transactions(e.g collecting cash from customers) and noncash transactions(e.g sales on account).
  【single selection】All of the following statements are true except one. Which statement is false(  )
  A.Adjusting entries are required for a business that uses the cash basis.
  B.Accrual accounting produces better information than cash-basis accounting.
  C.The matching principle directs accountants to identify and measure all expenses incurred and deduct them from revenues earned during the same period.
  D.A fiscal year ends on some date other than December 31.
  Answers: A
  Explanation: Adjusting entries are required for a business that uses accrual accounting.