Question:The following items may be used in costing batches.
  1 Actual material cost
  2 Actual manufacturing overheads
  3 Absorbed manufacturing overheads
  4 Actual labour cost
  Which of the above are contained in a typical batch cost?
  A. Actual material cost
  B. Actual manufacturing overheads
  C. Absorbed manufacturing overheads
  D. Actual labour cost
  The correct answers are: Actual material cost; Absorbed manufacturing overheads; and Actual labour cost.
  解析The actual material and labour costs for a batch (1 and 4) can be determined from the material and labour recording system. Actual manufacturing overheads cannot be determined for a specific batch because of the need for allocation and apportionment of each item of overhead expenditure, and the subsequent calculation of a predetermined overhead absorption rate. Therefore item 2 is incorrect and item 3 is correct.