The Paper F4 exam will undergo significant changes in the coming year, with a new format for the written papers, both for English and Global (and all variant papers), applicable from December 2014 and the introduction of computer-based exams (CBEs) for both English and Global from the end of 2014.
  This is the area where real change will take place. From December 2014 the exam will move from the current three-hour paper to a two-hour paper, which will be divided into two sections. Section A will be worth 70 marks. It will contain a mixture of 20 one-mark and 25 two-mark questions.
  Section B will contain five six-mark multi-task questions (MTQs) and in effect will replicate the three analysis/application questions to be found at the end of the previous exam paper. The format of the questions will be similar to the previous problem scenarios and they will contain a series of tasks that relate to a scenario.
  A部分是45道選擇題,一共70分。其中有20道題是1分題,25道題是2分題,學(xué)員們可以在高頓網(wǎng)校的官網(wǎng)或者ACCA Global上找到2014年樣題進(jìn)行參考。
  Paper F4 will continue to recognise that candidates are potential accountants, rather than potential lawyers.