來源:高頓網(wǎng)校 發(fā)布時間:2015-02-10 10:01 責編:Dana

  We would like to draw your attention to the following exam issues of 2014/15 Session 2. Should you have any questions, please contact your CPA China Representative Office immediately without hesitation.
  Please read the updated policy of Allowable Examination Room Materials first.
  1. Supplemental Exam Registration in Session 2, 2014/15.
  If you want to register for the supplemental exam in Session 2, 2014/15, please complete the specific SUP Exam Application Form, send it by fax/email, and let us know the payment on or before Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
  2. Exam Venue Change in Session 2, 2014/15.
  If you want to apply exam venue change within China for 2014/15 session 2 exam in March 2015, please inform us by e-mail and complete all the procedures on or before Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
  3. Payment Policy
  Please turn to the website for details.
  Should you have any questions, please contact your regional office in time. Thanks!
  Chartered Professional Accountants Canada
  China Representative Office
  高頓網(wǎng)校小編為您介紹加拿大大學:University of Ottawa 渥太華大學
  渥太華大學 (University of Ottawa, 或uOttawa) 始建于1848年。是加拿大最古老和全球*5的英法雙語大學,其前身是由無玷圣母獻主會(Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate) 在1848年創(chuàng)辦的Bytown學院。創(chuàng)立伊始,渥太華大學就顯示出她的強大實力。時至今日,已一躍成為聲名大噪的學術研究中心。全校教職工2,887人,行政職工2,425人。在校學生總學生數(shù)達40,712人,其中國際學生占4%。